Monday, June 13, 2011

Bonnaroo Summary

I doubt I'll be attending Bonnaroo ever again. It has gotten too big, and they now make you wear a computer chip on your wrist for admission. It has become way too commercial with every little thing at bonnaroo sponsored. There was lots of theft, including some small things from my tent. And lots of people ripping other people off in different ways.
Its lost touch with its roots and has begun appealing to meatheads, frat kids, and the mtv generation. If you really like big crowds and music, do your self a favor and go to ACL or All Good instead of Bonnaroo.
Also Security were jerks. wouldn't let me into the Work Exchange Tent, even when I had a supervisor come down and tell them to. Big complaints about FESS security. (they weren't the security at the centeroo entrance, those guys were pretty cool)

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